Lathom 268 Installation 2016.
On Monday 24th October Southport Masonic Hall was the venue for the Installation meeting of Lathom Mark Lodge No 268. 
'Getting ready for their big entrance'
Alan Foster Prov G.S.W; PGM's Representative Giles Berkley G.Stwd; Alan Fairhurst Prov G.J.W
The lodge was opened by the Worshipful Master Bro James Molly.  After the lodge business had been carried out the Reprehensive of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master W.Bro. Giles Berkley G. Stwd. was admitted accompanied the Provincial Grand Wardens; W.Bro. Alan Foster, Prov. G.S.W. and W.Bro. Alan Fairhurst, Prov. G.J.W. and other Provincial Acting Officers.  
' PGM's Rep congratulating the new WM'
W.Bro Giles Berkley; WM Bro Karl Brennan; IPM James Molly
After the salutations had been given; the Worshipful Master then installed his successor Bro Karl Brennan into the chair.  The quality of the ceremony showed the hard work that had been put in by the Installing Master Bro Molly.  When the WM had been installed in the chair; W. Bro Kevin Collins P.Prov.G.J.W. stepped forward to present the working tools to the New Master.  The address to the Worshipful Master was given by W.Bro. John Dixon P.G.J.D.  It fell to the W.Bro. Alan Foster, Prov. G. S.W. to give the Wardens address.  
'Provincial Wardens get in on the act'
Alan Fairhurst Prov G.J.W; W.Bro Giles Berkley; WM Bro Karl Brennan;
IPM James Molly and W.Bro Alan Foster Prov G.S.W
At the close of the installation ceremony, W.Bro. Berkley gave the congratulations of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master to the Worshipful Master Bro. Brennan he also congratulated the Installing Master, W.Bro. Molly, on the excellent ceremony he had conducted.  The lodge also presented W.Bro. Berkley with several cheques for charitable use for which W.Bro. Berkley thanked the lodge on behalf of those who will eventual benefit from the money.
'WM and IPM with Grand and acting officers and PGM's Special Representative.'
W.Bro Colin Jenkins Prov G.Stwd; Prov JW; W.Bro Kevin Collins P.Prov GJW,
PGM's Special Representative for the Area, W.Bro Berkley, WM Karl Brennan;
IPM James Molly, Prov SW, W.Bro John Dixon PGJD and W.Bro Laurie Scott PAG Swd.B
After what had been a first class meeting the brethren enjoyed an equally excellent festive board.  Lathom Mark had invited to the festive board a Master Mason and the gathered assembly worked hard to show him what a fun degree Mark really is.  This is an excellent way of finding new members for the Mark Degree.
We all wish the New Worshipful Master of Lathom Mark Lodge No268 and his team all the best for the coming year.
Words and Pictures Derek Gaskell.